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Wings: Venus And Mars (Half-Speed Master Limited)

Release date 31.03.2025
Package type LP package
Medium / qty LP / 1
Performer Paul McCartney, Wings
Price in eshop
1 129 CZK w/ VAT
Preorder expedition on the release date
Type Limitovaná edice
EAN 0602465920666

Limitovaný half speed master vinyl vydaný k padesátému výročí alba.


Side A

1. Venus and Mars
2. Rock Show
3. Love in Song
4. You Gave Me the Answer
5. Magneto and Titanium Man
6. Letting Go

Side B
1. Venus and Mars (Reprise)
2. Spirits of Ancient Egypt
3. Medicine Jar
4. Call Me Back Again
5. Listen to What the Man Said
6. Treat Her Gently - Lonely Old People
7. Crossroads

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