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OST / Soundtrack : Scream VI (Brian Tyler, Sven Faulconer)

Release date 17.11.2023
Package type CD package
Medium / qty CD / 2
Price in eshop
449 CZK w/ VAT
IN STOCK > 10 pcs delivered in 5 days
EAN 0888072538771


1. Scream VI Suite
2. Prelude
3. Something Red
4. Walk It Off
5. Warmer Colder
6. Sam At The Shrink
7. Sam And Danny
8. Not Overreacting
9. Bodega Terror
10. Stalking The Aisles
11. Stuck In Town
12. Last Therapy Session
13. It’s A Franchise
14. Ghostface History
15. Sam Is Suspect
16. The Core Four
17. Apartment Mayhem
18. Don’t Trust Anyone
19. Off The Case
1. The Shrine
2. Game Recognize Game
3. Make Your Own Family
4. No Press Allowed
5. Tracing The Call
6. Gale’s Apartment
7. Gale Vs Ghostface
8. Tara’s Plan
9. Two Subways
10. Kill Box
11. Trapped
12. Tara And Chad
13. Theater Ambush
14. Standoff
15. Revelations
16. The Grand Finale
17. Revenge
18. Together
19. Haunted

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