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Motörhead : Iron Fist

Release date 17.04.1982
Package type LP package
Medium / qty LP / 1
Performer Motörhead
Price in eshop
719 CZK w/ VAT
IN STOCK 1 pcs delivered in 5 days
Product variants
Iron Fist
339 CZK
IN STOCK 3 pcs
EAN 5414939641114

6.album (1982)

Lemmy - vocals, bass
Eddie Clarke - guitar
Philthy Taylor - drums

1. Iron fist
2. Heart of stone
3. I'm the doctor
4. Go to hell
5. Loser
6. Sex & outrage
7. America
8. Shut it down
9. Speedfreak
10. (Don't let 'em) Grind ya down
11. (Don't need) Religion
12. Bang to rights 

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