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Dizzy Gillespie : Cubana Be

Release date 19.10.2018
Package type LP package
Medium LP
Performer Dizzy Gillespie
Price in eshop
739 CZK w/ VAT
IN STOCK 1 pcs delivered in 5 days
EAN 4050538421361

Reedice z roku 2018


1: Manteca
2: Good bait
3: Algo bueno
4: Ow!
5: Oop-pop-a-da
6: Our delight
7: St. louis blues
8: Dizzier and dizzier
9: Jump did-le-ba
10: One bass hit ii
11: I'm be boppin' too
12: Cool breeze
13: Jumpin' with symphony sid
14: Ray's idea
15: Things to come
16: In the land of oo-bla-dee
17: Ool-ya-koo
18: Guarachi guaro
19: Cubana be, cubana bop

More music and videos from Dizzy Gillespie
339 CZK
IN STOCK 1 pcs
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