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Dirty Knobs : Wreckless Abandon

Release date 20.03.2020
Package type LP package
Medium / qty LP / 1
Price in eshop
719 CZK w/ VAT
IN STOCK 1 pcs delivered in 5 days
EAN 4050538596878

2020 ( 1. Album )

Rock and Rollová skupina z Los Angeles vedená kytaristou a skladatelem Mikem Campbellem

1. A1 Wreckless Abandon
2. A2 Pistol Packin’ Mama (feat. Chris Stapleton)
3. A3 Sugar

4. B1 Southern Boy
5. B2 I Still Love You
6. B3 Irish Girl

1. C1 Fuck That Guy
2. C2 Don’t Knock The Boogie
3. C3 Don’t Wait

4. D1 Anna Lee
5. D2 Aw Honey
6. D3 Loaded Gun
7. D4 Don’t Knock The Boogie (Coda)


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