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Billie Eilish : Happier Than Ever

Release date 30.07.2021
Package type CD package
Medium / qty CD / 1
Performer Billie Eilish
Price in eshop
289 CZK w/ VAT
IN STOCK > 10 pcs delivered in 5 days
EAN 0602435973654

2021 (2. studiové album)

Americká zpěvačka a skladatelka Billie Eilish vydává své druhé studiové album Happier Than Ever


1. Getting Older
2. I Didn't Change My Number
3. Billie Bossa Nova
4. my future
5. Oxytocin
7. Lost Cause
8. Halley's Comet
9. Not My Responsibility
10. OverHeated
11. Everybody Dies
12. Your Power
13. NDA
14. Therefore I Am
15. Happier Than Ever
16. Male Fantasy

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